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Tap into the gap in art

What happened in the September Sessions?
During the month of September the children at The ArtGap assisted me in the creation of a Frida Kahlo inspired scarecrow. Why did we use Frida as our source of inspiration?
The sessions at The ArtGap are most often inspired by great famous artists and we drew our inspiration from Frida because of her great tenacity to never give up. Even when she was bedridden after her terrible bus accident she painted on her cast to keep herself busy. The children used mudrock to plaster a large cardboard box which they painted afterwards. We used plastic bottles stuffed with plastic bags for her legs and discussed all the plastic rubbish that gets thrown away. We tried to make our scarecrow as sustainable as possible and our scarecrow was made with 90% recycled and donated materials. We named her FREE-da-Crow and she came first place in the Heaton Mersey Scarecrow competition.
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